Helping Altona Connect

The Community Exchange in Altona serves as a hub to connect people to a network of community events and services to support living and thriving in Altona and the surrounding area.

Open Monday - Thursday from 10am-1pm and Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome!

The Community Exchange exists to create safe places and connections for people in our community regardless of their racial or ethnic identity, sexual orientation or gender identity, ability, age and marital or economic status. With gratitude we acknowledge that we gather on Treaty 1 land and commit to move towards reconciled relationships and peacemaking together.

Upcoming events

  • Muffin Mondays

    Every Monday from 10am-1pm! (There will be no Muffin Monday in July & August.)

    Drop in at The Community Exchange for muffins, coffee and a chat.

    Contact Joan Funk (, 204.324.4469) for more info

  • Drop-In

    Monday: 10am-1pm

    Tuesday: 10am-1pm &

    Wednesday & Thursday:

    Come for coffee, snacks, food rescue, and conversation!

    We also offer a free lunch on Thursday’s around 11:30am.

  • The Community Shop

    Essential toiletries (diapers, shampoo, menstrual products and more) are available for anyone who needs them at no cost.

    The shop is open:
    Monday-Thursday: 10am - 1pm
    Tuesday: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • English Cafe

    Every Monday evening from 6:30-9pm (From September - May)

    Come to improve your English language skills through conversation and connection.

  • Spanish Cafe

    Every Wednesday evening from
    7pm - 8pm.

    Come to learn Spanish and work on your conversation skills.

  • French Cafe

    Every Wednesday from
    6:30pm - 8pm.

    Come learn how to speak conversational French in these Introductory to French evenings.

  • Rainbow Games Night

    The last Wednesday of the month.

    Bring a friend and a favorite board game to share, or jump into a game that someone else has brought.

    All members and supporters of the Rainbow community are welcome.

  • Healthy Baby Drop-In

    2nd and 4th Friday of every month - 10:00-11:30am (From September - June in the TCE building)

    If you are pregnant or have a baby under the age of 1, Healthy Baby is a place for you to connect with other moms, to learn about your child’s development, to ask questions and more. Registration is not required.

  • Sharing the Warmth

    If you are in need of winter or spring clothing, contact Margarita at 204.304.6338 or

    Consider donating coats, spring jackets, winter & rubber boots, toques and mitts to help keep our community warm in the winter and dry in the spring!

    Drop off Mondays - Thursday between 9am-1pm

  • Altona Community Meal

    Last Saturday of the month.

    Upcoming Dates:

    - February 22nd
    - March 29th
    - April 26th (Free music night following the meal)
    - May 31st
    - June 28th

    Everyone is invited for a free meal and an evening of connection.

    *The Community Meal does not run the last Saturday in December and in July & August.*

Interested in donating to TCE?